Expungement Fair

(Iowa Legal Aid and Dubuque Branch NAACP)


The Dubuque NAACP has partnered with Iowa Legal Aid to put on an ANOTHER Expungement and Employment Barrier Clinic in Dubuque on June 29th. If you face one or more of the following obstacles because of your criminal record, you may qualify for free one-on-one assistance from an attorney:

* Problems finding housing or employment
* Court debts (fines, restitution, public defender fees, jail fees, etc.)
* Problems registering your vehicle or getting a driver’s license
* Certain criminal charges (juvenile cases, cases where you were acquitted, cases that were dismisses or where you received a deferred judgement) that appear on your record.

All you have to do is fill out the form below and you will be contacted to fill out the necessary privacy paperwork. It is necessary to register ASAP, so the necessary research is done to optimize feedback from lawyers on the day of the event. Show ups on the day of the Expungement WILL NOT be accepted. Please take advantage of this opportunity!!!!

To, register online please Click Here:


Special Thanks to the 100+ Women Who Care organization for funding this initiative!!!!